A private international oil & gas company, Gente Oil Global is focused on building an asset base across targeted regions of Latin America. Chartered in Singapore in 2012, Gente aims to capitalize on proven capabilities and create value through the exploration, development and production of energy resources. The company’s goal is to become a profitable global oil company with multiple assets across the targeted areas.

Comprised of senior, seasoned engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and other technical and management professionals who have worked together for many years, Gente maintains a clear vision that permeates the organization:

To explore, identify, and develop oil and gas reserves using the latest technology while protecting the health and safety of our employees, partners, local residents, their community, and the natural environment.

  Our Philosophy  

By listening, observing, and learning about the history, economic goals, environment and the communities in which they serve, Gente Oil has developed mutually respectful relationships with governments, business partners and other key stakeholders — most importantly, community leaders. Together, Gente helps identify and extract oil and gas that will support the economic growth of a region while minimizing the impact on forests, wildlife, and residents. By providing state-of-the-art technologies, common right-of-ways for roads and pipelines, well drilling pads to minimize surface footprint, and enlisting community cooperation, Gente Oil is committed to minimizing their impact in environmentally sensitive areas while helping build a solid economic future for Latin America.

  How We Deliver On Our Promises  

Using independent experts, Gente starts by conducting environmental baseline reports of all proposed new operations. These reports examine the condition of the existing environment and are used to develop a formal management plan. From the jungles of South America to the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and the sub-Arctic regions of Western Siberia, Gente prides itself on developing and maintaining appropriate area-specific programs.


Gente has extensive experience in partnering with governments in a mutually profitable way. Our founders are industry leaders in developing and supporting new types of contract models, such as the production sharing type contracts. This new model has since been adopted as part of the petroleum law in Ecuador, and is gaining significance in other countries.